Unbreakable poly carbonate and S.S. Turbo ventilator fan



1. Non – Conventional Energy product.
2. Impact Resistant.
3. Light Weight/Mechanical strong
4. No running cost.
5. Power Saving product
6. Weather proof.
7. Storm and hail resistant.
8. Environment friendly.
9. Leakage Free.
10. Maintained free and easily repairable (if required).
11. Durable & Long Lasting.
12. Effective round the year Ventilation.


1. Production Sheds
2. Production Utility Areas.
3. Ware house & go downs.
4. Production utility Areas such as Compressor rooms, D.G set rooms,
Boiler Rooms, Paints shop etc.
5. Packing Halls.
6. Commercial Buildings such as School, Shopping mall, Hotels, Clubs,
Banquets etc.
7. Infrastructure Facilities Such as Ports, Airports etc.
8. Defense Establishments such as air base, Naval base, arms depots etc.

TORQUE 24/22:   Technical Specification:

1.Dust Preventive
2.Bearings:  Stainless Steels
3.Rotation at almost Zero wind: yes
4.Static Balancing: yes
5.Suitable for dusty conditions: yes
6.Suitable for harsh Condition: yes
7.Exhaust Capacity: High
8.Exhaust Problem due to air black draft: No
9.Ventilation material: Aluminum
10.Hardware Material: Stainless steel
11.Weight: 9 kg


1.Wind Velocity: Minimum Speed: 5 km/h Maximum Speed: 10 km/h
2. Tem diff C: 3 to 5 4 to 7
3. Size: Exhaust Capacity Cu Ft. /HR
4. 22” (In Dia) 6000 10000
5. 24” (In Dia) 10050 18000

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